Prosperity on your terms

The Client Experience

Sound guidance on your terms

Who We Help

Our commitment to quality care drives us to limit the total number of firm clients. Upleft will not be the best fit for every investor, and our discipline is to work with only the clients that can receive the greatest benefit from our work.

Experience has taught us that the following types of clients receive the greatest benefit from our work:


A portfolio built for decades of accumulating wealth is not necessarily the best portfolio for decades of living off of that wealth.  Upleft clients appreciate our approach for converting their assets into a predictable stream of income.  Our distribution discipline only takes a client a few minutes to understand, but takes a great deal of care and expertise to bring to life.  In the end, we are able to show clients an array of possible outcomes and adjust our approach over time to optimize the client experience.


For those in higher tax brackets, the difference between what you make and what you keep can be vast.  For assets held outside of retirement accounts (like IRAs and 401(k)s) we have a long list of tools and techniques to help you keep more of your own money after taxes.  While many of these tactics are effective at any level of assets, the most effective tax management tools can be applied to accounts with over $350,000 in taxable investments.


These may be entrepreneurs, executives, or other successful professionals.  Each of these profiles comes with a unique set of challenges, be they dealing with stock options, variable compensation, or making sense of a complex set of assets and income streams.  Upleft has tools to address each of these needs and many more.

If you are not sure if you are a good fit, but would like to find out, you are welcome to call 360-850-9713 or e-mail  We believe that there is an ideal advisory relationship for every investor.  If we discover together that Upleft is not for you, it would be our genuine pleasure to refer you to someone who may be a better match for your needs.


How We Work

It took hard work, smart decisions and calculated risks to create the life you live. 

You have earned the right to engage your collaborators in a way that works best with your schedule, your priorities and your personal tastes.  Upleft clients choose the nature and frequency of their review meetings.  They can be in person, online, or over the telephone.  This way, you can receive the necessary peace of mind, without ever having to leave your garden, ski slope, or favorite fishing spot.


Personal, responsive, iterative


➤ Discover

In this phase, we learn about an investor’s resources, needs and goals. Conversations in the discovery process often enter into the areas of personal values and historical views of money. This is also where we evaluate risk tolerance.

➤ Analyze

Now that we have gathered some raw data, it is time to evaluate the ability of the available resources to achieve the desired outcomes in accordance with the clients’ timelines.

➤ Develop

The development phase involves constructing and evaluating multiple potential solutions. We evaluate each for not only the highest probability of success but also the likelihood that an investor can adhere to the plan through all types of market conditions. The development phase ends with the presentation of the best solution to the investor for final approval.

➤ Implement

This is where the “rubber hits the road”. During the implementation phase, we open the necessary investment accounts, transfer assets, and reposition client assets into the allocations determined in the development phase. This sometimes involves collaborating with outside professionals like an investor’s estate attorney or tax preparer.

➤ Monitor

Life is unpredictable. As an investor’s life changes, so must their investment strategies. In this phase, we do the ongoing work of making sure that your investments do not drift out of your acceptable levels of risk or your necessary levels of potential return. Beyond this high-level maintenance, we also work with our research partners to make any necessary adjustments to the investments or the teams that manage them every day.